
Clothes that rely on sustainability, leverage mobility, and impact millions


Giant strides within civilization & technology boil down to one capability – our ability to harness and deploy energy.

By 2040, the global energy expenditure is expected to be around 777 quintillion joules. And, we are falling behind in fulfilling that amount due to the inefficiencies within the current energy generating system.

Status Quo

Traditionally charging electronics destroys our environment, restricts mobility, and contributes to our exponential increase in energy expenditure

This inefficient system introduces the need for a self-sustaining alternative that takes the load off of our depleting resources and overwhelmed electric system, restructuring the way we power our lives.


Charge your devices in real-time by sliding them into your pocket. Our clothes harvest and store the thousands of watts you generate from your daily activity, so you never have to rely on an outlet again

Energy Harvest

Our piezoelectric textile harvests electrical energy through mechanical movement. With a core-sheath electrode structure and PVDF material, our textile, which works even better in water, harvests the world's most valuable resource as you move.

Energy Storage

Through a one-step laser printing process, we seamlessly integrate graphene supercapacitors right into our textile, storing all of the energy that you generate within seconds, and maintaining its full capacity for millions of charges.

Energy Transfer

Power all of your small-sized electronics from your pocket. With our intricate placement of voltage regulators, converters and control circuitry, our textiles provide USB ports to charge your phone in real-time, enabling a completely self-sustaining system.

About Us

Here at PowerThreads, we are impacting millions with the way they power their lives. 

We want to leverage our innovative textiles, which enables you to charge your devices in real-time with a self-sustaining alternative to traditional charging methods, putting the environment first and utilizing the valuable energy you generate every day.

Our mission is to create a world where we no longer rely on depleting resources and inefficient charging systems. We envision an alternative that prioritizes the environment and uses resources effectively, including the thousands of watts of energy you generate every day. Our goal is to empower individuals and communities to take control of their energy consumption and contribute to a greener future


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